Monday, November 16, 2009

Trying to Be ProActive!

We got a load out the other day that brought us all the way down to McClenny, Florida. It was supposed to deliver tomorrow at four a.m. When our dispatcher gave us the load on Friday out of Waterloo, Iowa we told her that we would be there a lot sooner to try and move the appointment up to Sunday or Monday (today.)

An hour went by and she sent us a message saying that they tried but the appointment couldn't be moved up. LIAR!

I called the Walmart DC on Saturday and talked to the Receiving manager and she informed me that our dispatcher called and confirmed our Tuesday appointment but never said anything about changing it. So I asked her if it was possible and she said I need to call back at three a.m. and speak with the night supervisor. When I did guess what happened? He moved our appointment up! OH MY FREAKING GOSH! It's amazing what a little phone call can do!

What made it even better was when we sent in our empty call and six a.m. She called, that's right called, instead of sending a message. "How did u get unloaded today? Your appointment is tomorrow!" We called. "Your not supposed to do that we make the appointments for you." I told she wasn't doing a very good job at that and that I didn't appreciate being lied to, to which she hung up on me! LOL

Needless to say we got a call from the planner and we have a load out that delivers Thursday and will cap our week out with 3500 miles!

See what happens when your proactive and take matters into your own hands!

Til next time...

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