Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just starting out on this so bare with me!

I am new at this and still figuring out how all this works so bare with me. I will be posting pictures and web links for different things that I find important or I think u need to be aware of. So first thing is first, CSA2010. I think all of us involved in the trucking industry need to be aware of this. Even if your company doesn't include itself in this it doesn't mean that you will not be effected in someway by this. So here is the website for u to check it out: Also check out this website explains the Cap and Trade Bill for 2009. I have read several articles on both topics and I have to say that while they have good intentions with both. Neither of them is our best interest as far as our pocket books are concerned. But you read them and form your own decision and feel free to post your comments. Til next time....
Picture taken at 2009 in Louisville Kentucky, truck done by the 75 Chrome Shop in my homestate of Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Is it uncool to call a truck "pretty" because she sure is a beauty.

