Thursday, November 12, 2009

It just get worse and worse!

Okay a little update to today's earlier story.

So we found out the third drop is on Monday at one p.m. GREAT! Our preplan went something like this. First pick up at noon Monday, second pickup at one p.m. How is that supposed to work? They have never given us anything like that before. We make a phone call saying we can't do the preplan because we will still be dropping the current load. We r told, "Oh it's okay, you windows for the pickups so it will be fine." Okay great, but it is only given us about 1000 miles capping off the week with 2800 miles. Which would be fine if we had the same amount of miles last week but we had about 1800 miles last week - which put us in a whole. So 2800 miles this week will dig us out of the whole from last week and give us about a $250.00 check. WHAT?

We turned it down! We are also more than likely going to have too cancel our home time for Thanksgiving. Why? Because they are not giving us enough miles to be able to afford the time off. If we keep going at this rate we will barely make $800.00 for the MONTH! That amount is correct.

This company, which shall remain nameless, doesn't care about their drivers at all. If we quit today, in a weeks time they would have someone else in our place. So why worry about the hardship that they are putting on us? I think I'm going to nickname them the Driver Mill! From now on the company that shall remain nameless will be called the Driver Mill cause that is exactly what they are.

Their motto, "We will hire you, train you, starve you, bankrupt you and then replace you!"

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